INGUZ Fitness + Nutrition



Morning CrossFit Class – 9:00am:

Noon CrossFit Class – 12:00pm:



“Big Clean Complex”

6 Sets For Load:
3-Position Squat Clean + Push Press
3-Position Squat Clean + Push Jerk
3-Position Squat Clean + Split Jerk

3-Position Squat Clean = High Hang/Low Hang/Floor

* Each set consists of 12 unbroken reps. The goal is to hold on to the bar for the entire complex. Start LIGHT and work to a max effort on set 5 or 6. Rest as needed between sets. There is a 30 minute time cap on this workout. Post heaviest weight completed to the whiteboard. Compare to 08.15.18.


AFTER PARTY – Gymnastic Stamina

Not For Time:
1:30 Light Assault Bike, 25% Max Ring Muscle-ups
1:30 Light Assault Bike, 35% Max Ring Muscle-ups
1:30 Light Assault Bike, 45% Max Ring Muscle-ups
2:00 Light Assault Bike, 25% Max Ring Muscle-ups
2:00 Light Assault Bike, 35% Max Ring Muscle-ups
2:00 Light Assault Bike, 45% Max Ring Muscle-ups



With a 24 Minute Clock…

4 Rounds:
15 DB Straight Leg Deadlift
10 Single Leg Glute Bridge (10 each side)
10 Glute Bridge Walk Out

Directly Into…

AMRAP in Time Remaining:
30 Sec Side Plank
25 Air Squats
30 Sec Side Plank
10 Walkouts