Monday 5.1.23

Monday 5.1.23

  Inguz Update: Know someone that might be interested in trying out a class at INGUZ?! Friday, May 5th is “Bring a Friend Day”…all classes are free!! If you have someone who would like to try a class please send an email to, or text us at...
Monday 5.1.23

Sunday 04.30.23

  INGUZ WOD “Sumo Slam” For Time: 35-25-15-25-35 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull (70/53#) Weighted Sit-Up Partner Finisher: In Teams of 2… 8 Minute Max Meter Row  
Monday 5.1.23

Saturday 04.29.23

  STRENGTH Squat Snatch * On a 10:00 running clock build to a mod-heavy set of 3   INGUZ WOD “Sindy” In Teams of 2… 22 Minute AMRAP: 5 Pull-Ups 10 Push-Ups 15 Air Squats * Partners alternate full movements. * Every 4 rounds complete one of...
Monday 5.1.23

Friday 4.28.23

  STRENGTH Strict Press 3×5 *Keep weight Light across all sets. This is a deload week.   INGUZ WOD “Cash Box” For Time: Buy-In: 400m Run 5 Rounds: 15 Box Jumps (24/20″) 10 Push Press (95/65#) Cash-Out: 400m Run * There is a 14 minute...
Monday 5.1.23

Thursday 4.27.23

  STRENGTH Deadlifts 3×5 *Keep weight Light across all sets. This is a deload week.   INGUZ WOD “Shhhhhh” 15 Minute EMOM: MIN 1 & 2 – Max Calorie Bike or Row MIN 3 – 7 ‘Library’ Deadlifts (Athlete Choice, Heavy)...