



In Teams of 3…

20 Minute AMRAP:
30 Strict Pull-ups
40 Strict Dumbbell Press (35/25#)
50 Back Squats (climbing)

Round 1: 155/105#
Round 2: 185/135#
Round 3: 205/145#
Round 4: 225/155#
Round 5: 245/165# (Max Reps)

* Post total rounds and reps completed to the whiteboard.



4 Rounds (40 sec work : 20 sec rest):
Station 1: Bike
Station 2: Squat Jacks
Station 3: Alternating Single Arm Russian Swings

1 Minute Rest…

4 Rounds (40 sec work : 20 sec rest):
Station 1: Bike
Station 2: Sled Push
Station 3: Goblet Squat