INGUZ Fitness + Nutrition



“Another One”

On the 3:00 x 7 Rounds:
15 Kettlebell Goblet Squats (70/53#)
12 Power Snatches (75/55#)
9/7 Calorie Row or 7/5 Calorie Bike

* Your score is the slowest of the 7 efforts. Post time to the whiteboard. 


AFTER PARTY – Overhead Squat Positioning 

On the 2:00 x 5 Sets:
1 Pausing Overhead Squat (2 Seconds in Bottom)
1 Overhead Squat

Set 1: 60% 1RM Overhead Squat
Set 2: 65% 1RM Overhead Squat
Set 3: 70% 1RM Overhead Squat
Set 4: 75% 1RM Overhead Squat
Set 5: 75-80% 1RM Overhead Squat


MOVE 45 

6 Rounds:
(45 Seconds of Work : 15 Seconds of Rest)
Station 1: Dumbbell Deadlift into Bent over Row
Station 2: Dumbbell Reverse Lunge
Station 3: Push-Ups
Station 4: Mountain Climbers