Uncle Carl representing INGUZ in Chicago at a White Sox game on the 4th!!


Inguz Update: Below is a breakdown of the programming for the week

Monday: Squat Clean + Benchmark WOD “Elizabeth” (Stamina Squats/Body Armor Accessory)
WOD (Deadlift/Gymnastics Conditioning Accessory)
WOD (Snatch/Body Armor Accessory)
Push Press + WOD
Friday: Partner WOD
Saturday: WOD (Oly Class Clean & Jerk)
Sunday: Bench Press + WOD



Squat Clean (Heavy Single)

* 15 minutes to build to a heavy single.




For Time:
Squat Cleans (135/95#)
Ring Dips

* Post time to the whiteboard. Compare to 02.19.18.


Accessory Work

1. Stamina Squats
Alternating “On the Minute” x 12 (6 Rounds):
Odd Minutes: 3 Front Squats
Even Minutes: 6 Back Squats
Barbell at 60% of 3RM Back Squat for both lifts.

2. Body Armor
3 Giant Sets:
10 Dumbbell Box Step Overs (24″/20″)
10 Tempo Dumbbell Bench Presses
Rest 2:00 between sets.