Neil at Kings & Queens CrossFit in Clinton, Iowa.


Inguz Update: Below is a breakdown of week 9 of the current training cycle. Complete details of the cycle can be found HERE.

Monday: Squat + WOD
Tuesday: Handstand Push-up Skill Work + WOD
Wednesday: Clean & Jerk + WOD
Thursday: Benchmark WOD (“Jerry“)
Friday: Deadlift + WOD
Saturday: Partner WOD
Sunday: Bench Press + WOD



2×3 Front Squat @ 90-95% of 3RM + 5-10#
2×3 Back Squat @ 90-95% of 3RM + 5-10#

* Percentages based on heavy triple or 3 rep max from benchmark week. Add 5-10 pounds to your heavy weight exposure. Perform 2-3 warm-up sets prior to the working sets.



10min AMRAP:
200m Run
5 Power Snatch (135/95#) Rx+(155/105#)

* Post rounds and reps completed to the whiteboard.