2019 Inguz Nation Throwdown


**2019 Inguz Nation Throwdown Today – No Regular Group Classes**

The heat assignments and timeline for the Throwdown can be found at the link below…

Heat Assignments

The box will be open at 8:00 am for check in. There will be a MANDITORY athlete briefing at 8:30 am. All teams must be present for this briefing, as we will be going over the WOD standards and general logistics for the day. The first heat will start at 9:00 am SHARP. Please take a look at the heat assignments at the link above so you have an idea of the schedule for the day. We are going to do our best to stick to this schedule as closely as possible. In order to do that we will need your help. Please make sure you know when your designated heat time is, and that you are warmed-up and ready to go as soon as the previous heat finishes. This will allow us to get you set up in your lane, assign a judge, and answer any questions you might have on the WOD.

Tomorrow should be a lot of fun and we hope everyone is excited to participate. As always, friends and family are more than welcome to attend.


WOD #1 – Cardio Karen

For Time:
30/20 Calorie Row
20/14 Calorie Bike

Team “Karen” = 150 Wall Balls (20/14#) Scaled: (14/10#)

20/14 Calorie Bike
30/20 Calorie Row


WOD #2 – Team Linda

For Time:
Deadlift (245/165#) Scaled: (185/125#)
Bench Press (175/85#) Scaled: (125/55#)
Squat Clean (135/95#) Scaled: (95/65#)


WOD #3 – Gym-Nasty

10min AMRAP:
60 Double Unders (Scaled: 120 Singles)
50 Pull-ups (Scaled: 50 Jumping Pull-ups)
50 Snatches (95/65#) (Scaled: 75/45#)
60 Double Unders
30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups (Scaled: 30 Ring Rows)
30 Snatches (115/75#) (Scaled: 95/65#)
60 Double Unders
10 Bar Muscle-ups (Scaled: 30 Ring Rows)
Max Rep Snatches (135/95#) (Scaled: 115/75#)