The 18.3 match-up…Jesse and Tyler.


Inguz Update:  Open WOD 18.3 live announcement and Inguz Showdown at the box starting at 8pm Thursday night. All are welcome to come out and cheer on our featured match-up this week…Jesse and Tyler!! If you can’t make it to the box, you can watch the showdown on Facebook live streaming at around 8:30pm.



“Goat Day”

18min EMOM:
Min 1: Goat 1
Min 2: Goat 2
Min 3: Goat 3

* Try and pick a variety of modalities (ex. 1 Barbell, 1 Gymnastic, 1 Conditioning). Movements should take no more than 30-45 sec each minute. Feel free to utilize equipment that is challenging to program in larger classes (assault bike, prowler/sled, atlas stones, tires, rope climbs, etc.). The movements don’t have to be something you can already do. Feel free to spend 30-45 seconds each round on practice. Coaches can provide suggestions for movements, and rep or time ranges. Post goats to the whiteboard.

Example #1

Min 1: 45sec Double Under Attempts
Min 2: 2 Squat Snatches
Min 3: 5-10 Kipping Pull-ups or 30sec Kipping Practice

Example #2

Min 1: 5-10 Handstand Push-ups or Handstand Walk Practice
Min 2: 2-3 Atlas Stones
Min 3: 12-15 Calorie Assault Bike