INGUZ Fitness + Nutrition


Inguz Update: Know someone that might be interested in trying out a class at INGUZ?! Friday, February 3rd is “Bring a Friend Day”…all classes are free!!

If you have someone who would like to try a class please send an email to, or text us at 860-326-6315, with the class time they’d like to attend so we can get them signed up for a class this Friday!!



For Time:
Dumbbell Goblet Squats (50/35#) Rx+ (70/50#)
Double Unders (Rx+)

– (Rx+) DU must be performed unbroken to move back to the Squats. If a rep is missed, restart the set from zero. Ex: on the set of 20, if you miss at 17 then restart the set of 20 from 0.

* Post time completed to the whiteboard. There is a 15 minute time cap to this wod.



Back Squats
Build to a moderate set of 3

– Start moderate and build to moderate-heavy.
– Goal is to build off of the squats from the workout and see how it impacts athlete position with the moderate load.



16 Minute EMOM
Minute 1: 20 Curtsy Lunge
Minute 2: 20 Bent Over Rows
Minute 3: Max Jumping Jacks
Minute 4: Rest