New Programming Cycle


Training Cycle Template

Cycle Dates: Monday 10.30.17 – Sunday 12.31.17

Cycle Goals:

For the next programming cycle we are trying something a bit different. Ben Bergeron of CrossFit New England has recently come out with a group class programming resource called ‘Comptrain Class’. They basically take the CFNE class programming and create a detailed lesson plan which includes warm-up, mobility, teaching, and of course the WOD, all broken down within an hour timeline. It’s a great resource that we want to take advantage of for our next programming cycle. There are a couple of drivers for this…

  1. Remove Biases: As much as we love doing the programming we all have our own biases of what movements we like, and don’t like. So taking the control out of our hands hopefully gets us to program things we wouldn’t normally program.
  2. Class Consistency: Providing essentially a daily ‘lesson plan’ means each class throughout the day is getting the same, or at least a similar, experience.
  3. More Coaching Time: The Comptrain Class programming is primarily structured around the WOD. They do have strength work on some days, but it is a much more classic CrossFit programming style (i.e. less is more approach) compared to our previous cycles. This will allow our coaches to spend more time coaching you, our athletes.
  4. Accessory Work: For those of you looking for additional work, we will be layering on the ‘OPEN’ track of the Comptrain Individual programming to the daily WOD. Athletes will be able to complete this on their own outside of regular class time.

We may have to make minor tweaks to the weekly structure and/or WODs to accommodate weather, equipment, etc., but for the most part we are going to try and follow their structure as closely as possible.

As always, please feel free to share your feedback on this approach.