Inguz Coaches Pool Party


Inguz Update: Below is a breakdown of the programming for week 5 of the current training cycle.  Complete details on the cycle can be found HERE.

Monday: Hero WOD (“Hildago”)
Tuesday: Toes-to-Bar Skill Work + Practice Day EMOM
Wednesday: Olympic Lifting EMOM + Burner WOD
Thursday: Partner WOD
Friday: Snatch/Clean Pulls + WOD
Saturday: WOD
Sunday: Push Press + WOD


Skill Work

12min of Toes-to-Bar Skill Work

* Spend 12 minutes working on bar muscle-up skills and drills.



Station 1: 5-15 Unbroken Toes-to-Bar
Station 2: 3 Atlas Stones to Shoulder
Station 3: 50 Unbroken Double Unders

* The goal for today’s WOD is lower intensity practice work. Those who have toes-to-bar should focus on stringing reps together (5-15 reps), but never go to failure. If you don’t have consistent toes-to-bar we can scale to the dirty south bar, or knees-to-chest. The double unders are a max set of 50 unbroken. If 50 if not feasible athletes should work on bigger unbroken sets. Athletes should work for AT MOST 45 seconds at each station.