Bring a Friend Friday!!


Friday, October 4th is Bring a Friend Friday!!
If you have a friend who is interested in coming to try a class at Inguz, bring them in this Friday…all classes are free. Just have them fill out a waiver at the link HERE.




4 min AMRAP x 3:
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
21 Power Cleans
27/21 Cal Row

Rest 4 Minutes Between Rounds…

Round 1: 135/95#
Round 2: 115/75#
Round 3: 95/65#

* Post total rounds and reps completed for each round separately to the whiteboard.


After Party

1. Clean Positioning
Alternating On the Minute x 10 (5 Rounds):
Minute 1: 2 Pausing Deficit Clean Pulls (3″ Riser)
Minute 2: 50′ Handstand Walk
Sets at 60-65-70-70-70% of 1RM Clean