**Sunday Class Schedule Change**
Effective Immediately Sunday Schedule will be as follows…
9am-10am Group Class

10am-12pm Open Gym



“Flip Flop”

For Time:
Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1.0 pood)
Calorie Assault Bike or Row

Directly into…

Deadlifts (135/95#) RX+(185/135#)
Calorie Assault Bike or Row

Women Complete (21-15-9 / 9-15-21) Calories on Bike or Rower

* Post time to the whiteboard.


Accessory Work

1. Strict Gymnastics
7 minute AMRAP:
5 Strict Ring Dips
:10 Seconds Inverted Barbell Row Hold
:15 Seconds Double Kettlebell Static Squat Hold

2. Midline
4 Rounds:
:20 Ring Dip Support Hold
:25 GHD Supine Hold
:30 Hand Stand Hold