INGUZ Fitness + Nutrition



“Thelma and Louise”
In Teams of 2:
On a 22:00 clock…
150/120 Calorie Bike or 180/150 Row

Immediately Into…

AMRAP in Time Remaining of…
5 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
10 Single Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
15 Sit-Ups

– Alternate movements with your partner. (P1: 5 C2B, P2:10 Lunges, P1: 15 Sit-ups, P2: 5 C2B, and so on…)
– Complete all 5 reps on one leg and then all 5 on the other.  DB should be held suitcase style on side of the leg stepping back.

*Post time completed on the machine and rounds and reps completed to the whiteboard.



3 Sets:
12 Glute Bridge-Ups
15 Dumbbell Flyes
18 Dumbbell Slides

– Complete from the floor or bench.
– Rest as needed between sets.



Movement 1: DB Hammer Curls
Movement 2: DB Seesaw Upright Rows

1 Minute Rest

Movement 1: Alt. DB Russian Swings
Movement 2: Single DB Strict Press

1 Minute Rest

Movement 1: Plank Jacks
Movement 2: High Plank Hold

1 Minute Rest

Movement 1: Right Side Plank
Movement 2: Left Side Plank

*Alternate movements every round.