2018 New Years Nutrition Challenge.


Announcing the 2018 CrossFit Inguz New Years Nutrition Challenge!!

Dates: Monday January 8th to Friday February 2nd (26 days)
Entry Fee: $20 (Cash Only; Sign-up at Front Desk)
Measurements: Baseline body weight and % body fat measurements will be done before and after the challenge. See Kate, Renee, or Dave anytime up until Wednesday, January 10th to get your initial measurements done.

It’s time to start the New Year off right Inguz Nation!! On January 8th, we will be kicking off our annual New Year’s nutrition challenge. Similar to the 2017 Summer Shred, the moto for this challenge will be: Eat Real Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants.

The focus will be on both Quantity as well as Quality

What does this all mean…

Eat Real Food (Quality)

Real food is anything that was once alive. We will be avoiding anything processed. The general guidelines for this will be the same as before…eat meats and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch (from vegetables) and NO SUGAR. This means we will be avoiding the following foods:

  • All Grains (wheat, corn, rice, oatmeal, etc.)
  • Legumes (peanuts, beans, chick peas)
  • Dairy (cheese, yogurt, milk)
  • Alcohol
  • Refined vegetable oils (canola oil or margarine)
  • Anything with the ‘Paleo’ qualifier (i.e. Paleo muffins, pancakes, cookies, etc.).

Our allowable foods will be broken down into 4 categories…protein, carbohydrates, vegetables, and fats…as shown in the table below. This isn’t an exhaustive list but should cover the vast majority. If you have a question about a specific food please let us know.



Not Too Much (Quantity)

To keep it simple, we will be utilizing a 3-compartment food container to help you measure out your meals for the day. The vegetables will fill the large compartment, and the protein and carbohydrates will each fit into one of the smaller compartments. A tablespoon from your kitchen will round out the meal with a quality choice of fat. The number of trays per day will correspond to your bodyweight as shown below. No additional snacking is allowed, and no going back for seconds. If you feel that you need additional food, you are allowed to eat unlimited vegetables (raw or cooked).

How many trays?
If you are a male or female over 165lbs you are allotted 4 trays per day.
If you are a male or female under 165lbs you are allotted 3 trays per day.

Each participant will be given two food containers. You can also purchase more from Amazon at the link below…


What if I’m still really hungry? Communication is key, so please let us know how you are feeling along the way. Using this approach most people will be eating at a calorie deficit, but if the goal is to see weight/fat loss, it is normal to feel hungry initially…particularly if this is a major change from how you typically eat. Make sure you are staying hydrated, and work on timing out meals strategically to help keep you from going too long without eating (no more than 3-4 hours). You can also save some of your “meal” for a snack later in the day. This is called a challenge for a reason. While it is definitely not sustainable in the long term, the goal is to get maximum results in a 26 day time span.


Mostly Plants

Every meal, regardless of time of day, should be made up of mostly vegetables. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables fills you up more and guards your health in the long run. For this reason there is no limitation on the amount of vegetables you can eat (raw or cooked).


Point System

There are 4 total points available each day…

1 Point: For eating clean
1 Point: For hitting your number of meals
1 Point: For working out at Inguz, dropping in to another affiliate, or doing a travel WOD
1 Point: For getting at least 7 hours of sleep

You can only get a perfect daily score 6 days out of the week. You must take 1 rest day. On your rest day, a perfect score is 3 points. There will be a poster board at the gym to track your daily points.


Frequently Asked Questions

Should I supplement protein post workout? This will be different based on your own personal goals. A protein shake is allowed post-WOD to aid in recovery, and it won’t count towards your meal quantities. However, if weight loss is your goal, we recommend trying to stick to whole foods.

What about Kill Cliff or Fuel for Fire? 
Post Workout Only

Amino Acids/Electrolytes? Pre/Intra/Post Workout Only

Sure, but try to avoid if weight loss is the goal.

Condiments? Balsamic vinegar (must be the only ingredient), red wine vinegar, apple cider vinegar, mustard, hot sauce (check label for additives/sugar), herbs, spices, and seasonings are okay (read the ingredients).

No honey, molasses, maple syrup, table sugar, coconut sugar, stevia, or other artificial or ‘natural’ sweeteners.

What about eating out? If you eat out, do your best to portion the meal out and eat within the guidelines. Unless you know exactly how that meal was prepared you cannot get full points for it.

Coffee/Tea? These are okay, but need to be unsweetened, and no milk. Almond milk is ok only if it is unsweetened.

“What About” Foods
These are foods that people commonly ask about. “What about this food?”

  • If it’s a vegetable eat it, if it’s meat eat it.
  • No almond or coconut flour
  • No canola or vegetable oil
  • No oatmeal
  • No Rx bars, Quest bars, or any bars
  • Cold cuts must be sugar free
  • Nut butters must have no added ingredients other than salt (No peanut butter)
  • Up to two pieces of gum a day
  • Clean bacon is a fat


Additional Resources

If you’re looking for recipes that will fit into this structure, check out the link below from another nutrition challenge that used the same 3-component meal containers. There are a lot of great ideas here to incorporate some variety if you start getting sick of eating chicken, broccoli and sweet potatoes at every meal.



Travel WODs


  1. 35 Burpees, 50 Sit-Ups, 35 Burpees
  2. 20min AMRAP: 5 Hand Release Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups, 15 Air Squats
  3. 4 Rounds: 400m Treadmill Run, 50 Air Squats
  4. Tabata: Pushup, Air Squat, Sit-Ups, Burpees (20sec Work : 10sec Rest x 8 Rounds each)
  5. 15min AMRAP: 5 Strict Pull-ups, 10 Jumping Lunges, 15 Sit-Ups


  1. 3 Rounds: 800m Treadmill Run, 20 DB Thrusters (30#/20#)
  2. 10min AMRAP: 7 DB Hang Clean and Jerks (40#/30#), 12 Burpees
  3. 20min AMRAP: 6 Strict Pull-ups, 12 DB Snatches (alternating), 18 Air Squats
  4. “Dumbbell DT” – 5 Rounds: 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Push Jerks (45#/35#)
  5. 4 Rounds: 400m Treadmill Run, 20 Sit-ups, 15 DB Hang Squat Cleans (35#/25#)