Erin competing this weekend at her old box!


Congrats to the 2018 New Year’s Nutrition Challenge Winners!!

Co-Winner – Adrienne Romano
Weight Loss: 7.2 lbs
Body Fat Loss: 4.5%
Challenge Points: 82

Co-Winner – Mary Moriarty
Weight Loss: 10.4 lbs
Body Fat Loss: 3%
Challenge Points: 88

Co-Winner – Jason Pollard
Weight Loss: 11.4 lbs
Body Fat Loss: 4.4%
Challenge Points: 90

All three co-winners will split the prize pot and each win $125 cash. Congrats to everyone who stuck with the challenge over the 25 days. We hope that everyone got some value out of it, which maybe will influence our daily diet and eating habits going forward.

Honorable mention goes to the following individuals…

Peter Galong: -7.6 lbs, -3.6% Body Fat, 69 points
Heather Gatchek: -4.6 lbs, -3.6% Body Fat, 69 points
Eric Hambidge: -7 lbs, -2% Body Fat, 82 points
Chris Alpi: -3.2 lbs, -2.2% Body Fat, 73 points


Inguz Update: Below is a breakdown of the programming for the week. Complete details on the cycle can be found at the link HERE.

Monday: Overhead Squat + WOD
Tuesday: WOD
Wednesday: WOD
Thursday: WOD
Friday: WOD
Saturday: Team WOD
Sunday: EMOM WOD



Overhead Squat (Heavy Single)

* 15 minutes to work up to a heavy single.



“Over and Over”

For Time:
Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
Overhead Squats (95/65#)

* Post time to the whiteboard.


Accessory Work

1. Snatch Primer
On the :90 Seconds x 3 Rounds:
2 Pausing Overhead Squats
2 Snatch Balances
2 High Hang Squat Snatches
* Performed at 40-50%


2. Snatch From Blocks (Knee Level)
7 Sets of 2:
1×2 @ 60%
1×2 @ 65%
1×2 @ 70%
1×2 @ 75%
* Final three sets: Build as you see fit.


3. Back Squat
Build to a Moderately Heavy Single
Followed by:
2×2 @ 90%
2×4 @ 84%
1×10 @ 75%