The summer shred nutrition challenge starts today!!


Inguz Update: The Summer Shred Nutrition Challenge starts today!! If you haven’t signed up yet you can still add your name to the poster board at the gym. If you are already signed up, there are a couple things to keep in mind as we kick off the challenge…

  1. Make sure to have your initial body composition measurements completed by Wednesday if possible. Please see Kate, Renee or Dave to have this done.
  2. The 3-compartment meal trays are available at the box. Everyone who has signed up for the challenge gets two trays.
  3. If you haven’t paid yet, please try and bring in $30 cash this week. Once you’ve paid mark a ‘P’ beside your name on the poster board so we know.
  4. Start tracking your daily points. You must log your points on the poster board at the gym to be eligible for the weekly prizes, overall prize, or the free t-shirt.

All the details on the challenge can be found at the link HERE, or for a deeper dive you can listen to last week’s episode of the CrossFit Inguz podcast (below). If you have any questions throughout the challenge please let us know!!



“Cindy Got Jacked”

For Time:
5 Rounds of “Cindy”
30 Overhead Squats (135/95#)
1,000 Meter Row

1 Rounds of “Cindy” = 5 Pull-ups + 10 Push-ups + 15 Air Squats

* Post time to the whiteboard.