TBT to our very first Barbells for Boobs event 5 years ago.


**Sunday Class Schedule Change**
Effective Immediately Sunday Schedule will be as follows…
9am-10am Group Class

10am-12pm Open Gym


Inguz Update: Registration and fundraising details for our Barbells for Boobs event, which will take place on Saturday October 27th, can be found at the link HERE.




3 Rounds for Time:
200 Meter Farmers Carry (2 x 1.5/1.0pd KBs)
400 Meter Run
800 Meter Row

* Post time to the whiteboard.


Accessory Work

1. Deadlift
3×3 @ 84%
3×2 @ 88%
3×1 @ 92%
* Rest as needed between sets.

2. Odd-Object
For Time:
50 Man-Makers (35/20# DBs)