Diallo and Carl


Partner WOD

In Teams of 2…

12 Rounds For Time:
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35#)
12 Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbell
12 x 10 Meter Shuttle Run

* Alternate full rounds with your partner (6 rounds each). Post time to the whiteboard.



3 Rounds (5 minutes to complete):
10 Left Side Plank Crunch
20 Plate Hops
10 Right Side Plank Crunch
20 Plate Hops

5 Minute Rest…

16 Minutes (1 minute at each station):
Station 1: Banded Lat Pull down
Station 2: Inverted Row
Station 3: Single Ring Ring Row
Station 4: Bike


After Party

Body Armor
A) 4 Sets:
7 Tempo Double Kettlebell Deadlift (regular speed up, 5 second negative)
7 Barbell Bench Press

B) 4 Sets:
7 Tempo Weighted Hip Extensions (regular speed up, 5 second negative)