Happy Birthday Chris!!




For Time:
1,000 Meter Row


10 Rounds of…
7 Bar Facing Burpees
3 Thruster (95/65#)


1,200 Meter Med Ball Run (20/14#)

There is a 30 minute time cap on this WOD. Post time to the whiteboard.

PFC. Cody O. Moosman, 24, of Preston, Idaho, died July 3, 2012, in Gayan Alwara Mandi, Afghanistan. Moosman was on duty in a guard tower when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire. Moosman, who is believed to have been on his first tour, was hit by small arms fire and died shortly after the attack occurred. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, Fort Riley, Kansas.


Accessory Work

1. Front Squat
2×2 @ 65%
2×2 @ 70%
2×2 @ 75%

2. Skills
5min AMRAP:
7 Unbroken Toes to Bar
* Must come down from the bar after each set.