Had a visit from Jill this weekend!


Inguz Update: This Saturday is the Inguz Nation Throwdow!! As a result there will be no regular classes on Saturday. All are welcome to come by and cheer on the competitors.

Below is a breakdown of the programming for the week. Complete details on the cycle can be found at the link HERE.

Monday: Back Squat + WOD
Tuesday: WOD
Wednesday: WOD
Thursday: Sumo Deadlift + Team WOD
Friday: WOD
Saturday: Inguz Nation Throwdown
Sunday: Functional Bodybuilding + Midline Accessory



3×5 Back Squat (climbing or across)

* 12 minutes to complete.



“Doctor’s Orders”

3 Rounds for Time:
50 Air Squats
30 Push-ups
21/15 Calorie Row or 15/10 Calorie Bike

* Post time to the whiteboard.


Accessory Work

1. Snatch Primer
Every :90 Seconds x 3 Rounds @ 40%:
3 Power Snatch
2 Hang Squat Snatch
1 Squat Snatch


2. Low Hang Snatch
3×2 @ 70%
2×2 @ 75%
2×2 @ 80%
* Low hang is just above floor, but not touching. Stand the bar tall, and lower to just above floor.