Last Year’s Inguz Nation Throwdown


Announcing the 2018 Inguz Nation Throwdown


To celebrate the end of the New Year’s Nutrition Challenge and the 5th Anniversary of CrossFit Inguz, we will be holding our annual internal partner competition open to CrossFit Inguz members only!! The competition will take place on Saturday, February 3rd, 2018 starting at 9:00am.

This year there will be a new twist!! Athletes will sign up as individuals (either Rx’d or Scaled) and we will assign the teams.

The competition will consist of three WODs spaced throughout the day. There will be Rx’d and Scaled divisions and the WODs will be programmed so that everyone will be able to participate. The competition is meant to be a fun, challenging day, and a great opportunity for first time competitors.

The cost of the competition will be $30 per athlete which will cover lunch and a competition t-shirt. In order to receive a t-shirt you must be registered by Sunday, January 28th. The women’s shirts will be tank tops. Please let us know in your registration if you would prefer a men’s t-shirt instead.




WOD #1 – “Overhead Assault”

8min AMRAP:
12/9 Calorie Assault Bike
12 Shoulder to Overhead (Rx: 115/75#, Scaled: 75/45#)

* Alternate full rounds with your partner.


WOD #2 – “The Synchro Ladder”

For Time: (12 minute time cap)
10 Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees
25 Squat Cleans (Rx: 135/95#, Scaled: 75/45#)

10 Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees
20 Squat Cleans (Rx: 155/105#, Scaled: 95/65#)

10 Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees
15 Squat Cleans (Rx: 175/115#, Scaled: 115/75#)

10 Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees
10 Squat Cleans (Rx: 205/125#, Scaled: 135/95#)

10 Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees
5 Squat Cleans (Rx: 225/145#, Scaled: 155/105#)

* Bar facing burpees are done together (synchronized), squat cleans can be broken up any way between partners.


WOD #3 – “Double Trouble”

For Time (13 minute time cap):
100 Double Unders (Scaled: 200 Singles)

Wall Balls (Rx: 20/14#, Scaled: 14/12#)
Pull-ups (Scaled: Ring Rows)

100 Double Unders (Scaled: 200 Singles)

DB Snatch (Rx: 50/35#, Scaled: 35/25#)
Toes-to-Bar (Scaled: Knees-to-Chest)

100 Double Unders (Scaled: 200 Singles)

* All reps can be broken up any way between partners.