“Reindeer Games”

In Teams of 2…
25 Minute AMRAP:
8 Pull-Ups
6 Dumbbell Box Step Overs (50/35#)/(24/20″)
4 Dumbbell Devil’s Press

-P1 completes a full round while P2 accumulates max calories on the bike. Once P1 finishes, partners will switch.

* Score is rounds and reps, as well as total calories on the bike.



ON A 8:00 CLOCK…
2:00 Cardio Choice
40 Crossbody Mountain Climbers
30 DB Toe Taps
20 Glute Bridge
Max Plank Hold in Remaining Time

-Rest 2:00-

ON A 8:00 CLOCK…
2:00 Cardio Choice
20 Glute Bridge
30 DB Toe Taps
40 Crossbody Mountain Climbers
Max Plank Hold in Remaining Time