INGUZ Fitness + Nutrition


Inguz Update: Know someone that might be interested in trying out a class at INGUZ?! Friday, March 10th is “Bring a Friend Day”…all classes are free!!

If you have someone who would like to try a class please send an email to, or text us at 860-326-6315, with the class time they’d like to attend so we can get them signed up for a class this Friday!!



“Boom Box”
17 Minute AMRAP:
200 Meter Run, 600/500 Meter Bike, or 250/200 Meter Row
6 Box Jumps (24/20″)
14 Alternating DB Hang Power Clean (50/35#)

* Increase box jumps by 4 reps each round. Post rounds and reps completed to the whiteboard.



3 Sets for Quality:
10 Plate Front Raises
15 Plate Gun-Hold Curls
1:00 Nasal Breathing Walk

* No extra rest between sets.



8 rounds :20 work/:10 rest

Mountain Climbers
Plank Hold
Wall Sit