INGUZ Fitness + Nutrition


Inguz Update: Know someone that might be interested in trying out a class at INGUZ?! Friday, June 2nd is “Bring a Friend Day”…all classes are free!!

If you have someone who would like to try a class please send an email to, or text us at 860-326-6315, with the class time they’d like to attend so we can get them signed up for a class this Friday!!



*Keep weight light across all sets. This is a deload week.



“Sprint Break”
4 Rounds
15 Russian KB Swing (53/35#)
10 Toes to Bar
10 TNG Deadlifts (255/175#)
10 Toes to Bar
15 Russian KB Swing

* Rest 1:00 between rounds.
* Must double overhand grip the barbell.
* Goal is to shoot for unbroken reps of each movement.
* Score is slowest round. There is a 15 minute time cap on this wod.



20 Minute AMRAP
20 Alt. Hammer Curls
20 Grasshoppers
20 Tricep Kickbacks (10 each side)
10 Broad Jump to reverse Bear Crawl