Saturday 08.18.18

Saturday 08.18.18

  Inguz Update: 12 Hours of Heros at CrossFit Inguz on Saturday, September 1st…more details to follow. “Josie” WOD details can be found HERE.   WOD “Sasquatch” In Teams of 3… For Time: 250 Clean and Jerks * On the 0:00, 5:00, 10:00, 15:00,...
Friday 08.17.18

Friday 08.17.18

  Inguz Update: 12 Hours of Heros at CrossFit Inguz on Saturday, September 1st…more details to follow.   WOD “Free Fall” 20min AMRAP: 200 Meter Run 20/14 Calorie Row or 14/10 Calorie Assault Bike 20 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1.0 pood) 20 Wallballs (20/14#) *...
Thursday 08.16.18

Thursday 08.16.18

  Inguz Update: 12 Hours of Heros at CrossFit Inguz on Saturday, September 1st…more details to follow.   WOD “Paul Bunyan” 15min AMRAP: 60 Double Unders (120 Singles) 21/15 Calorie Assault Bike or Row 15 Deadlifts (225/155#) * Post rounds and reps...
Wednesday 08.15.18

Wednesday 08.15.18

  WOD “Big Clean Complex” 6 Sets of: High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Press High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Jerk High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk * Each set...
Tuesday 08.14.18

Tuesday 08.14.18

  WOD “Lead Foot” 4min AMRAP: 27/21 Calorie Row 27 Burpees 27 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups Rest 4 minutes… 4min AMRAP: 21/15 Calorie Row 21 Burpees 21 Toes-to-Bar Rest 4 minutes… 4min AMRAP: 15/9 Calorie Row 15 Burpees 15 Pull-ups * Post rounds and reps...