Barbells for Boobs is Tomorrow!!


Inguz Update: Our Barbells for Boobs event is tomorrow (Saturday Oct 27th)!! Heat assignments will be released later today.



“Boats and Toes”

In Teams of 3…

For Time:
Calorie Row
Burpee Box Jumps (24/20″)

Directly Into…

Power Snatches

Round 1 Barbell: 75/55#
Round 2 Barbell: 95/65#
Round 3 Barbell: 115/75#
Round 4 Barbell: 135/95#
Round 5 Barbell: 155/105#

(30 Minute Time Cap)

* Post time, or 30:00 + reps remaining, to the whiteboard.


Accessory Work

1. Squat Clean
Build to a 1RM

2. Front Squat
Build to a heavy double