We will miss this guy!!


Inguz Update: Episode 12 of the CrossFit Inguz podcast is available below. On it Renee and Andrew dive into another round of common nutrition questions. The main topic for today is the glycemic index and glycemic load of foods, the difference between the two, and why it is so important. We also introduce the InBody system and how we will be using this measurement going forward for tracking body composition; also the importance of hydration as the weather gets warmer. You can find our previous episodes on Apple Podcasts, or wherever you typically get your podcasts.


A breakdown of the weeks programming can be found below.

Monday: Comptrain Benchmark (“Fight Club”)
Tuesday: Back Squat + WOD
Wednesday: WOD
Partner WOD
Team WOD
Clean Complex + WOD



“Fight Club”

3 Rounds, For Total Reps:
1 Minute Thrusters (95/65#)
1 Minute Power Cleans (95/65#)
1 Minute Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
1 Minute Pull-ups
1 Minute Assault Bike Calories
1 Minute Rest

* Post total reps completed to the whiteboard.


Accessory Work

1. Midline
Not For Time:
AbMat Sit-Ups
* 20 second L-Sit after each round.