Timothy Patrick Devine

Timothy Patrick Devine


Timothy Patrick Devine, 30, of Groton CT, passed away on on July 24th, 2012. Tim was born at Yale-New Haven Hospital on July 4, 1982. He was a graduate of the University of Connecticut and the Connecticut Fire Academy. He was a dedicated firefighter with the Poquonnock Bridge Fire Department and the owner of CrossFit Groton. Today is not a day to mourn his loss, but rather to celebrate the amazing things that Tim did for so many; from his service to the community as a firefighter, to the many people that he helped make amazing changes in their health and wellness, to the money that he raised for so many worthy organizations such as The Wounded Warriors Project, St. Jude Hospital, Autism Speaks, and Relay for Life. On July 24th, 2012 we lost a brother, a son, a trainer, and a friend, but the community that he built at CFG lives on. Tim was a mentor and an inspiration to all of us, and everything we do at CrossFit Inguz is with Tim in our minds and our hearts. We miss you dearly brother…rest in peace.



For Time:
800m Run

2 Rounds:
7 Handstand Pushups
4 Burpee Muscle-ups (12 Burpee Pull-ups or Burpees to Target)
82 Double Unders (246 Singles)

800m Run

2 Rounds:
7 Atlas Stones
24 Box Jumps
12 Toes-to-Bar

800m Run

33 Clean & Jerks (135/95#)