Congrats to Aaron and Becky!! Starting little Renee off on the right track!!


Inguz Update: Below is a breakdown of the programming for week 3 of the current training cycle.  Complete details on the cycle can be found HERE.

Monday: Overhead Squat + Partner WOD
Tuesday: WOD
Wednesday: Olympic Lifting EMOM + Burner WOD
Thursday: WOD + Core Work
Friday: Snatch/Clean Pulls + WOD
Saturday: WOD (“Naughty Nancy”)
Sunday: Handstand Push-up Skill Work + Practice Day EMOM



3×5 Overhead Squat (Across)

* Warm up to a heavy set of 5 and complete 3 sets across at that weight.



10min AMRAP:
Partner 1 – 300m Row

Partner 2 – AMRAP:
10 Hang Squat Cleans (95/65#)
30 Double Unders (90 Singles)

* Switch after the 300m row is completed. Partner 1 picks up where partner 2 left off on the AMRAP. Post total rounds and reps completed to the whiteboard.