Tim’s last WOD at CrossFit Inguz. We’ll miss you very much at the gym Tim…please drop in whenever you can.


Inguz Update: Below is a breakdown of the programming for the week. This week we will be re-testing the squat clean on Wednesday.

Monday: WOD
Tuesday: WOD
Wednesday: 1 Rep Max Squat Clean + Burner WOD
Thursday: Partner WOD + Core Work
Friday: EMOM WOD
Saturday: WOD (Ogar“)
Sunday: Functional Bodybuilding



5 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
50ft Front Rack Walking Lunges (2 x 50/35#)

* Front rack walking lunge is done as 25ft, down and back. Athletes can use DBs or KBs if needed (OPEN standard). Post time to the whiteboard.