New Episode Available Now!!


Inguz Update: Episode 19 of the CrossFit Inguz Podcast is available now. On it we welcome back Kate to discuss the topic of sleep. We dive into the different stages of sleep, what role sleep plays in our recovery and nutrition, the negative effects of not getting enough sleep, and some tips for good sleep hygiene. We also find out what position we sleep in says about our personality. The episode can be found below, or wherever you get your podcasts.



Below is a breakdown of the programming for the week.

Monday: Back Squat + WOD (Snatch/HSPU Accessory)
WOD (Gymnastics Conditioning/Body Armor Accessory)
Power Snatch + WOD (Barbell Cycling Accessory)
WOD (Squat Clean + Handstand Walk/Body Armor Accessory)
Team WOD (Barbell Cycling Accessory)
Sunday: WOD



3×5 Back Squat (across or climbing)

* 15 minutes to complete 3 sets of 5 reps across or climbing.



“Freddy Krueger”

For Time:
Kettlebell Swings (2.0/1.5 pood)

* Post time to the whiteboard.


Accessory Work

1. Squat Snatch
Minutes 0-5: Heavy Double Overhead Squat
Minutes 5-10: Heavy Double Snatch Balance
Minutes 10-15: 1 Pausing Snatch Pull + 2 High Hang Squat Snatch (moderate weight)
Minutes 15-20: Moderate Single Squat Snatch (Not to Exceed 85%)

2. Handstand Push-up Conditioning
5 Rounds, In a 90 Second Window:
20/14 Calorie Row
Max Handstand Push-ups
Rest 30 Seconds

Round 1-3: Strict Handstand Push-ups
Rounds 4-5: Kipping Handstand Push-ups