

CrossFit Inguz Members,

We wanted to take a minute to touch on the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the steps we are taking to keep you, your families, and our community safe and healthy. The gym is cleaned top-to-bottom twice per week and will continue to be going forward. In addition, we will be wiping down various high touch-point areas (reception desk, check-in kiosk, door handles, bathroom sinks/vanities) twice per day with disinfecting wipes.

We ask that you be diligent about using the gym wipes (available at the whiteboard in the main class area) on ALL equipment that you use during your workouts. Please also wash your hands often (before and after workouts) to help minimize the spread of any germs. We will do our best to keep hand sanitizer stocked at the gym as well as an additional precaution, although currently this is in high demand and is hard to come by.

Lastly, and most importantly, if you have flu like symptoms (fever, cough, congestion, sore throat) please stay home from the gym. When in doubt, err on the side of caution.

While the risk in Connecticut remains low we want to make sure we are doing our part to keep you all safe. We will remain open for business as usual, and will continue to monitor the ever changing situation and communicate any updates as we have them.

Thank you for your cooperation and continued loyalty.

-CrossFit Inguz




In Teams of 3…

For Time (30 Minute Cap):
5 Rounds of “DT” (155/105#)
100/70 Calorie Assault Bike
5 Rounds of “DT” (155/105#)
100/70 Calorie Assault Bike
5 Rounds of “DT” (155/105#)

1 Round of “DT”:
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks

* With one athlete working at a time, split up reps as needed between teammates. Post time, or reps remaining, to the whiteboard.



20 Minute AMRAP:
20 Double Dumbbell Push Press
20 Double Dumbbell Russian Swings
20 Double Dumbbell Bent Over Rows
200m Run

1 Minute Rest…

2 Rounds
30 Second Plank Swivel
30 Second Bird Dog Plank


Olympic Lifting Class

1. On the 2:00 x 5:
5 Front Squats (climbing)
* Working up to a heavy set of 5. Perform 2-3 warm-up sets prior to working sets.

2. Every 90 Seconds x 6:
3 Push Press (climbing)
* Working up to a heavy set of 3. Perform 2-3 warm-up sets prior to working sets.

3. On the 1:00 x 7:
1 Squat Clean (across)
* Aim for 80-90% of 1 rep max squat clean.