Barbells for Boobs is Today!!


**No Regular Group Classes Saturday**


Barbells for Boobs heat assignments are out…check them out at the link HERE.

In the event of rain tomorrow we will be rowing in place of the run.

The box will be open at 8:00 am for check in. There will be an athlete briefing at 8:30 am to go over standards, and the first heat will start at 9:00 am sharp. At the briefing we will go over all the details of the WOD, including scaling options. Heats will run every 20 minutes. Make sure you warm-up prior to your designated heat time. All athletes must be ready to go 5 minutes before their heat starts. This will allow us to get you set up in your lane, assign a judge, and answer any questions you might have on the WOD.

We will have a raffle table set up with some awesome prizes and gift cards (you don’t need to be present to win). All proceeds will go to Barbells for Boobs. There will also be food and drinks available after the WOD so stick around and hang out. As usual friends and family are more than welcome!!


WOD – Helen Meets Grace


3 Rounds:

400m Run
21 KB Swings (Rx: 53/35#, Scaled: 35/25#)
12 Pull-ups (Scaled: Ring Rows)



30 Clean and Jerks (Rx: 135/95#, Scaled: 95/65#)

* Two people work as a team to complete the WOD, splitting up reps as they see fit, but BOTH partners must complete the 400m run together. Only one person is allowed to work at a time. Grace is completed immediately following Helen. Score is the total time for the team to complete both workouts.