

Team WOD

“Iron Fist”

In Teams of 3…

5 Rounds for Time:
60/50 Calorie Assault Bike or Row
50 Deadlifts
40 Hang Power Cleans
30 Push Jerks

Round 1: 95/65
Round 2: 115/75
Round 3: 135/95
Round 4: 155/105
Round 5: 175/115

(30 Minute Cap)

* One person working at a time, break up reps as needed between team mates. Post time, or rounds and reps completed, to the whiteboard.


Olympic Lifting Class

1. 5×3 Snatch Grip Deadlift (climbing)
* Start light and work to a moderate set.

2. Every 90sec x 5 Sets: 2 x Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat (across)
* Technique focus, light to moderate weight.

3. 12min E2MOM: 2 Squat Snatch (climbing)
* Work to a heavy double.


Accessory Work

1. Rope Climb Conditioning
For Time:
5-4-3-2-1 Rope Climbs
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike After Each Round

2. Deadlift
9 Sets Total:
3×3 at 72%
3×3 at 77%
3×3 at 82%