Mike R


**Holiday Schedule**

Monday Dec. 24th: 7am/9am/11am Group Class (“12 Days of CrossFit“), 10am Open Gym
Tuesday Dec. 25th: CLOSED
Wednesday Dec. 26th: 9am/11am Group Class, 10am Open Gym
Monday Dec. 31st: 9am/11am Group Class, 10am Open Gym
Tuesday Jan. 1st: CLOSED




In Teams of 3…

30min AMRAP:
8 Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks (50/35#)
10 Medball Cleans (20/14#)
12/8 Calorie Bike

Alternate full rounds with your team mates. Post total rounds and reps completed to the whiteboard.


Olympic Lifting Class

1. 10min E2MOM: 2 Pause Front Squats (climbing)
* Pause for 2-3 seconds at bottom. Work to a heavy double.

2. Every 90 Seconds x 6: Hang Power Clean + Push Press + Power Clean + Push Jerk (climbing)
* Work to a moderate weight only. Use as technique focus.

3. Heavy Single Clean & Jerk
* 12-15 minutes to work up to a heavy single clean & jerk.


Accessory Work

1. Barbell Cycling
3 Rounds:
In a 20 Second Window: Max Power Snatches (115/80)
Rest 40 Seconds
In a 30 Second Window: Max Power Snatches (135/95)
Rest 30 Seconds
In a 40 Second Window: Max Power Snatches (155/105)
Rest 2:20