Congrats to Sims and Harrison on the birth of their son Maxwell!!


Skill Work

12min Handstand Push-up Skill Work

* Spend 12 minutes working on handstand push-up skills and drills



Every 90sec for 18min:
Station 1: 3-10 Unbroken Handstand Push-ups
Station 2. Backwards Sled Drag (Heavy)
Station 3. Max Effort L-Sit

* The goal for today’s WOD is lower intensity practice work. Those who have handstand push-ups should focus on stringing reps together (3-10 reps), but never go to failure. The sled drag is the length of the building, down and back. There are several variations that can be done for the l-sit, as shown in the video below. Athletes should work for AT MOST 45 seconds at each station.