INGUZ Fitness + Nutrition



Push Press
1×5 @65%
1×5 @75%
1×5+ @85%

*Based off of 90% of Heavy 1-Rep



“Death Threat”
12 Minute EMOM:
MIN 1 – 5 Burpees + 3 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95#)
MIN 2 – 5 Burpees + 4 Shoulder to Overhead
MIN 3 – 5 Burpees + 5 Shoulder to Overhead
MIN 4 – 5 Burpees + 6 Shoulder to Overhead
MIN 5 – 5 Burpees + 7 Shoulder to Overhead
And so on…

* Continue to add 1 S2OH each round until you are unable to complete the round. If/when this happens take the next minute off and then start back at the rep scheme 3 rounds prior to failure.
EX: Did not complete MIN 7. Took MIN 8 off, then started back on MIN 9 w/ 5 Burpees + 6 S2OH.



Optional Finisher
2-3 Set For Quality:
10 Prone Ts
10 Prone External Rotations
10 Prone Snow Angels

* Rest as needed between sets.
* Option to use small, LIGHT plates.



8 Rounds:
:20 work :10 rest

Movement 1: Air Squat
Movement 2: Bicycle Crunch
Movement 3: Reverse Lunge
Movement 4: Burpees

*Rest 1 minute between each movement.