Inguz Podcast Episode 42 is Available Now!


Inguz Update: On episode 42 of the CrossFit Inguz we debut our new segment Outside the BOX, where we share stories of other local small businesses and entrepreneurs. This week we sit down with Amy Mellow-Panucci of Love Sunday Photography. We chat with Amy about how she got into photography and going from passion to full time business, how her business has evolved over the years, her upcoming Babe Festival retreat, and what makes Love Sunday unique. If you’d like more information you can connect with Amy through the links below…



At the top of the episode we recap the results and announce the winners from the 6 Week Partner Nutrition Challenge that just wrapped up. You can listen to the episode below, or wherever you get your podcasts.



Clean & Jerk Complex
5 Sets:
3-Position Power Clean + 3 Push Jerks (climbing)

* Building to a heavy set. 15 minutes to complete.



“Bottom Line”

7 Minute AMRAP:
3 Clean and Jerks (135/95#)
3 Toes to Bar
6 Clean and Jerks (135/95#)
6 Toes to Bar
9 Clean and Jerks (135/95#)
9 Toes to Bar
…and so on…

* Continue adding 3 reps each round until time expires. Post total rounds and reps completed to the whiteboard.



20 Minute AMRAP:
20 Plate Ground to Overhead
30 Step-ups
40 Mountain Climbers
50 Plate Hops


After Party

1. Gymnastics Conditioning:
7 Minute AMRAP:
Pausing Strict Handstand Push-up *
Strict Handstand Push-up
Kipping Handstand Push-up
Pausing Strict Pull-up **
Strict Pull-up
Kipping Pull-up

Add (1) Rep to Each Movement Until Time Cap

* Pause for 1 Second with Head on Ground
** Pause for 1 Second with Chin over Bar