On the run…



3 x 6 Back Squat (across or climbing)

* 15 minutes to perform 3 sets or 6 reps (not including warm-ups)…across or climbing. 



“Escape From Wonderland”

3 Rounds for Time:
75 Double Unders (115 Singles)
50 Air Squats
25/18 Calorie Row

* Post time to the whiteboard.


Accessory Work

1. Recovery Bike
Not for Score:
15:00 Recovery Bike
On the 5:00, 10:00, and 15:00:
12 Lateral Box Step-Ups (6 each leg)
12 Waiter Squats (6 each leg)

2. Body Armor
3 x 8 – Tempo Dumbbell Push Presses
3 x 8 – Tempo Dumbbell Bent Over Row
3 x Max Effort Ring L-Sit Hold
Rest 1:00 between each set.