From the top to the bottom…



Power Clean (Heavy 5)

* 15 minutes Build to heavy touch-and-go set of 5 reps.



“Guard Rail”

3min AMRAP:
9/6 Calorie Assault Bike
9 Power Cleans (115/75)

Rest 3 Minutes…

3min AMRAP:
9/6 Calorie Assault Bike
7 Power Cleans (135/95#)

Rest 3 Minutes…

3min AMRAP:
9/6 Calorie Assault Bike
5 Power Cleans (155/105#)

* Post rounds + reps complete for each AMRAP separately to the whiteboard.


Accessory Work

1. Row Conditioning
12 Minute Row

Minute 1: 2k Pace +20 Seconds
Minute 2: 2k Pace +10 Seconds
Minute 3: 2k Pace +20 Seconds
Minute 4: 2k Pace +8 Seconds
Minute 5: 2k Pace +20 Seconds
Minute 6: 2k Pace +6 Seconds
Minute 7: 2k Pace +20 Seconds
Minute 8: 2k Pace +4 Seconds
Minute 9: 2k Pace +20 Seconds
Minute 10: 2k Pace +2 Seconds
Minute 11: 2k Pace +20 Seconds
Minute 12: 2k Pace