


Olympic Lifting Complex:
1 Hang Power Snatch
2 Power Snatches
3 Overhead Squats

* 15 minutes to build to a heavy complex.



10 min AMRAP:
12 Deadlifts (115/75#)
9 Overhead Squats (115/75#)
6 Hang Power Snatches (115/75#)

* Post rounds and reps completed to the whiteboard.


Accessory Work

1. Gymnastic Conditioning
For Time, with a 7:00 Time Cap:
50 Strict Pull-Ups
* Every break, complete 5 Strict Ring Dips

2. Row Conditioning
2 Rounds, Not for Score:
300m Slower (2K + 18s)
300m Moderate (2K + 10s)
300m Fast (2K + 2s)
Second iteration, building on last week. Increasing our speed by 2s on each interval