

The CrossFit Journal – Better Health, Better Life Through CrossFit



“Run Wild”

3 Rounds for Time:
600 Meter Run
21 Hang Squat Snatches (75/55#)

* Post time to the whiteboard.


Accessory Work

1. Handstand Walk Practice
Spend 15:00 in practice.

2. Split Jerk
3 Sets: 3 Jerk Drives + 1 Split Jerk
5 Sets: 1 Split Jerk (83-87-90-93/96*)
*93% or 96% based on feel

3. Body Armor
5 Supersets:
6 Tempo Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
9 Tempo Dumbbell Bench Press
* 5 second negative/lowering phase. Build to a heavy on the tempo dumbbell bench press. Rest as needed between sets.