

Inguz Update: On Wednesday July 4th we will be hosting our annual ‘Devine’ Hero WOD. There will be no set class times on Wednesday. There will be one heat at 7am, and then starting at 9am we will run heats of 10-12 athletes every 30 minutes until 12pm. There will be heat sign-up posted on the office whiteboard tomorrow. Please sign-up for a heat before Wednesday. Athletes will be responsible for getting warmed up and ready to go prior to their chosen heat time. We will be grilling some burgers, dogs, and sausages after the workout. Nothing is required, but if you’d like you can bring a side to share. Friends and family are welcome.



Deadlift (Heavy Single)

* 15 minutes to build to a heavy single




12min AMRAP:
6 Strict Handstand Push-ups
9 Deadlifts (225/155#)
30 Double Unders (60 Singles)

* Post rounds and reps completed to the whiteboard. Compare to 04.11.18.


Accessory Work

1. Ring Muscle-ups
Max Unbroken Ring Muscle-ups
* Baseline testing week 2. 30 for time last week, max unbroken this week. Three attempt maximum.