



3×7 Bench Press @ 70-75% of 3RM + 5-10#

* Percentages based on heavy triple or 3 rep max from benchmark week. Add 5-10 pounds to your last light weight exposure. Perform 2-3 warm-up sets prior to the working sets.


Grunt Work Sunday

In teams of 3-4 move 2 or 3 of the following objects 800m…

Prowler (2×45/2×25#)
Sled (4×45/2×45#)
Farmers Carry (Heavy)
Wall Ball (30/20#)
Bumper Plate(s) (45/25#)

* Each team must have either a prowler or a sled. For teams of 3 pick one other odd object. For teams of 4 pick two other odd objects (i.e. one person should always just be walking). Move everything 800m switching as needed. Weights are suggested…scale up or down as needed.