Boys WOD before Sarah and Mike’s wedding Saturday.



3×3 Deadlift at 90-95% of 3RM + 5-10#

* Percentages based on heavy triple or 3 rep max from benchmark week. Add 5-10 pounds to your last heavy weight exposure. Perform 2-3 warm-up sets prior to the working sets.



17 minute AMRAP:
10 Power Cleans (135/95#)
30 Air Squats
400m Run

* Post rounds and reps completed to the whiteboard.


10AM (One heat only) “1775”
60 minute AMARP:
17 Power Cleans (135/95#)
75 Air Squats

* At the end of each round, unload the barbell and carry it 200m away. Return to the plates amd then carry one forward to the barbell. Retrieve the second plate, carry it forward and reload the barbell for the next round.