SBH and Billy after the 16.3 showdown.

SBH and Billy after the 16.3 showdown.


**Friday Night Lights Starting @ 5:30pm**

Starting at 5:30pm we will be running heats through Open WOD 16.3 until all competitors have completed the workout. Please sign up for a heat time on the office whiteboard when you arrive at the gym. There will be no group class or group warm-up at 5:30pm. Athletes are responsible for warming up prior to their heat time. This is not limited to Open competitors…all Inguz members are welcome to throw down during Friday Night Lights.


Open WOD 16.3

7min AMRAP:
10 Power Snatches (75/55#)
3 Bar Muscle-ups

Scaled Open WOD 16.3

7min AMRAP:
10 Power Snatches
5 Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

* Post total reps completed to the whiteboard. Open competitors please check out the complete WOD details and standards video HERE. Scores for 16.3 must be submitted to the CrossFit Games website by 8pm on Monday.