Ivy's Simply Homemade

Ivy’s Simply Homemade


Menu for January 12th-18th, 2015.

All meals will be delivered daily to CrossFit Inguz at 3:30pm.

Grilled Flank Steak over Scallion Sweet Potatoes and Roasted Onions ($13)

Thai Chicken with Crisp Ginger Veggies ($10)

Coconut Salmon ($12)

Roasted Chicken Casserole ($10)

Shrimp Scampi ($13)

Meals can be PREORDERED by emailing Ivy at ivyshomemade@gmail.com. There will be several extra meals in the Inguz fridge on a first come first serve basis, cash only for these please. If you would like to pay with a credit card or set-up reoccurring payment, please call Ivy at (860) 442-8646.

*All meals are subject to 6.35% sales tax.