Ivy's Simply Homemade

Ivy’s Simply Homemade


Menu for January 26th-30th, 2015.

All meals will be delivered daily to CrossFit Inguz at 3:30pm.

Thai Beef Chili

No meal scheduled because of the forecast…

Swedish Meatballs with Zucchini Noodles (Weather Dependent)

Greek Lemon Chicken with Broccoli

Nicoise Chicken Stew

Meals can be PREORDERED by emailing Ivy at ivyshomemade@gmail.com. There will be several extra meals in the Inguz fridge on a first come first serve basis, cash only for these please. If you would like to pay with a credit card or set-up reoccurring payment, please call Ivy at (860) 442-8646.

*All meals are subject to 6.35% sales tax.