


The 2016 New Year’s Nutrition Challenge starts on Monday. Below is some additional information on how things will run over the next 5 weeks. As always, if you have any questions please let us know.


Strict vs. Lifestyle

As mentioned in the previous post, we will be running this challenge in 2 phases. The first phase is 100% strict paleo. The second phase is meant to be more of a sustainable lifestyle way of eating; one that hopefully can be continued after the challenge is over. The Lifestyle portion will run for the final two weeks of the challenge. The table HERE shows what is and isn’t allowed in the two phases of the challenge including, suggested serving sizes during the Lifestyle phase.



Get your tape and body fat measurements done as soon as possible. There is no deadline when this needs to be completed by, but the sooner the better. Please see Dave, Renee or Kate between classes to get these done. The measurements are not required but are highly recommended to track progress throughout the challenge. Don’t forget to snap your “Before” picture as well!


Daily Tracking

There will be a poster board at the box for everyone to track their daily nutrition points. Put your name up on the board and keep your scores up-to-date….and don’t forget those bonus points!! There will also be a google doc set-up so that you can track your points online for days when you don’t make it into the box. You will need to submit your daily and overall totals at the end of the challenge in order to be eligible for the prizes.


Nutrition Talk with Coach Dave

Coach Dave will be doing a general nutrition talk at Saturday, January 9th at 10am. He will be covering everything from the logistics of the nutrition challenge, to the basics of the paleo diet and healthy eating, to meal planning, supplementation and nutrient timing. Everyone is welcome to attend…even if you aren’t doing the challenge.



There have been a number of questions in terms of what is allowed for supplementation. If you are supplementing with a multivitamin or individual vitamins or minerals (vitamin C, iron, etc.) these are good to go for the challenge. Supplementation with Omega 3 fish oils is also allowed (and encouraged). Anything else, including whey protein, pre-workout drinks, meal replacement shakes, creatine, BCAA, recovery drinks, etc., are only allowed within the 45 minute window pre- or post-WOD. If you have any questions about a specific supplement you are taking please ask.


Benchmark WOD

The benchmark WOD will be completed on Monday, January 4th. If you can’t complete the WOD on Monday let us know and we’ll figure out a make-up day for you. We will be repeating the WOD at the end of the challenge, so don’t forget to record your score.


Additional Resources

What is the Paleo diet?

Meal Plans and Shopping Guide

Paleo Recipe Sites


Contemporary Cavegirl

Nom Nom Paleo